OpenGL 4.5の仕様が発表に

SIGGRAPH 2014でOpenGL 4.5の仕様が公開になったようです.
Khronos Group Announces Key Advances in OpenGL Ecosystem

  • Direct State Access (DSA) : object accessors enable state to be queried and modified without binding objects to contexts, for increased application and middleware efficiency and flexibility
  • Flush Control : applications can control flushing of pending commands before context switching – enabling high-performance multithreaded applications
  • Robustness : providing a secure platform for applications such as WebGL browsers, including preventing a GPU reset affecting any other running applications
  • OpenGL ES 3.1 API and shader compatibility : to enable the easy development and execution of the latest OpenGL ES applications on desktop systems
  • DX11 emulation features : for easier porting of applications between OpenGL and Direct3D.


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